Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Either You Are or You Ain't: There's no Such Thing as "Bi"

OK. Now we all know that the definition of "bi" means two. Bipolar refers to two different types of moods in a person; we have a bicameral legeislature in our country, meaning it is divided into two entities (the Senate and the House of Representatives), and we all know of the newly coined bisexual (that most of you probably thought I was talking about) which is a discussion for a whole other post. In this particulare instance, however, I am talking about "bi-Christian". Many of us are or have at one point suffered from this disease. It is when we profess to be a Christian with our mouths, but are entirely different in our actions. The Bible tells us, that you can't serve two Gods. Your job, your family and your material possesions cannot come before God. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not saying that we are not suppossed to have a life outside of the church, (if we did't we might all ened up bipolar dealing with some of these so called Christians), but we are NOT supposed to have a life outside of God. It is perfectly fine to do the thngs that you enjoy in life, as long as you remember whose you are and what you wish to represent while you do them. For example, there is a picture that I was tagged in on my Facebook profile that is labeled, "the row of the nonplayers". In this particular picture, my friends and I were at an impromptu bbq/party with a certain fraternity and a game had started called "Questions", which is a drinking game. I (and several others) chose not to participate each for our own reasons I am sure. But this is an example of how you can live your life and have fun without compromising who you are and what you believe in. Parents and teachers often stress to children about giving in to peer pressure, but we often forget that we sometimes do it as well. We accept what society says is okay just becuase "everybody else is doing it." If it is not of God, then it is against Him, there is no gray area to fit it in. One thing I would like to address is the issue of being saved. I am firm believer that once God has delivered you from something, that you will not go back to it. God doesn't halfstep when He brings us out. I do belive that Christianity is a growing and ongoing process and that we alll know that none is perfect but the Father, so being saved does not mean you are no longer a sinner. However, some sins you will give up once God has saved you. If you are still backsliding, then chances are God hasn't delieverd you from that particular thing yet. For example, alcoholics and drug addicts can go through rehab several times and still relapse, but when God takes away the addiction, they never drink/smoke again. It is important to remember that God is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow, and He has no time for people who want to serve Him one day and put Him on the shelf the next. With God, the rules are very simple. He has offered a chance to share in His inheritance and allow Him to come into your lives so that you can live how He wants you too. Even though there will be hardships, God will always take care of His own. Make no mistake about it, however, he knows if you are trying to be a "bi-Christian" or if you're the real deal. We only have the time that God allots us before we pay the wage of our sins which is death. At that point, our time is up to get it right. We are all focusing on when the world will end but we should focus on when our particular time is up because it could be any moment. If God called you home today, would you really be able to say that you are a true Christian EVERYDAY of your life? If not, take this chance to invite God in for real and stop faking the funk! After all, we all will go to the judgement seat of Chirst, and once you get there there are no excuses, either you ARE or you AIN'T!